
Acting chairman of the board-rector

Shaimardanov Zhasulan Qudaibergenovich

Doctor of biological sciences




phone1 8 (7232) 26-28-89

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 Rector's Blog



1993-1996 Doctorate in Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty), Kara Teniz Technic University, Turkey (Trabzon, Turkey)
  • Doctor of biological sciences (1997)
  • Professor (2004)
1981-1985 Postgraduate studentship in Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (Almaty)
  • Candidate of biological sciences (high assessment committee USSR, 1985)
  • Assistant professor (high assessment committee USSR, 1991)
1972-1977 Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute


2014-2015 Director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education and International Cooperation in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2012-2014 Director of the Department on Control in Education of Pavlodar region of the Committee on Control in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2011-2012 Director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2007-2011 Rector of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I.Altynsarin
2004-2007 Rector of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute
1996-2007, 2012 Vice-Rector on Humanitarian and Pedagogical Education, on Science and International Cooperation, First Vice-Rector of Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov
1991-1996 Vice-Rector on distance learning, on education, on social and economic matters of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute
1979-1991 Lecturer, assistant professor of Pavlodar pedagogical Institute
1977-1979 Military service in Soviet Army


2011 Medal «20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
2011 Gratitude from the President of Kazakhstan
2005 Medal «Honor»
2005 Medal «10 years of organic law»
2005 Gratitude from the President of Kazakhstan
2001 Lapel badge «Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Certificates of honor from Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Social networks


Member of the Board – Vice-Rector for the Development Strategy

Saule Zhadigerovna Rakhmetullina

S. Rakhmetullina, candidate of technical sciences, holder of the title "Best Teacher of 2014".

In 1991 she graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at the Novosibirsk State University, majoring in “Mechanics of Applied Mathematics”.

Since 2004 she studied at the postgraduate course of EKSTU, after graduating she worked at the Department of Information Systems as a senior lecturer, assistant professor, and served as deputy head of the department.

In 2012, she was appointed Head of the Chair of Mathematical and Computer Modeling, headed the Situation and Analytical Center, the Department of Strategy for Development and Monitoring.

Research interests: modeling of complex processes, development of information monitoring systems, she participated in 6 state budget and 3 contractual research projects, including two projects carried out jointly with the Institute of Computational Mathematics of Mathematical Geophysics of the SB RAS.

She actively participates in international projects aimed at improving the quality of higher education, coordinated the TEMPUS project "Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia, member of the working group of the project" EQF-based professional ICT training for Russia and Kazakhstan and was upgarding qualification in Nazarbayev University "Professional Development Program for Higher Education leaders of Kazakhstan".

Since November 30, 2017, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan appointed Co-rector for Academic Work

phone1 Reception: 8 (7232) 54-04-95

mail Reception: [email protected]

mail [email protected], [email protected]

Member of the Board – Vice-Rector for Research and Digitalization

Denissova Natalya

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)


In 1991 she graduated with honors from the S. Amanzholov EKSU with major in "Mathematics, Informatics and Computer Engineering".

In 2004 she was enrolled in postgraduate school of I. Polzunov AlSTU for 01.04.07 – “Physics of condensed matter” specialty. On 3d June 2006 she successfully defended her Candidate thesis on "Computer modeling of thermally activated structural rebuilding of bicrystal Ni-Al» in the dissertation board (D212.004.04) at I. Polzunov AlSTU. Revalidation of Candidate degree was issued on November 22nd, 2007.

Work Experience

Total length of employment: 24 years, where 20 years of them at educational field.

Starting work from the 1. September 1991 as a programming engineer, later in 1994 was promoted to the teacher of Economic Informatics and Computer Engineering sub-department of the S. Amanzholov EKSU. In 2006 promoted to senior teacher, in September 2007 to senior lecturer. Since July 2009, as admitted by competitive examination for the position of the Head of Information Systems sub-department of D. Serikbayev EKSTU.

2014-2017 Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Energy.

2017-2020 Director of the Department of Information Technologies

International Experience

Natalya Denissova is the coordinator of the international project funded by the European program TEMPUS: PICTET: EQF-based professional ICT training for Russia and Kazakhstan (2013-2016) Since 2009 Natalya Denissova has been assigned person responsible for coordination of the master educational program "Information Systems" and "Computer engineering and software" of USCO.

During last 5 years Denissova completed interships and further trainings at leading foreign universities: Lublin University of Technology (Poland), Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences (Germany), St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics ITMO (Russia), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria), Techno-campus EUPMt (Spain).

Awards and Honours

Natalya Denissova holds a grant of “Best university teacher 2012”. Based on the results of the IAAR independent rating Top 50 in 2015 Natalya Denissova ranks No. 45 N. Denissova is the head of research of the grant-funded by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Development of models and methods of analysis and recognition of streaming video for scalable high-loaded systems» (2013-2014), state registration № 0113РК00821

Scientific and methodological works

Denissova N.F. has significantly improved training of scientific personnel, research activities of students, undergraduates and doctoral students. Eight student scientific papers (2011-2017), car supervised by Denissova N.F. received diplomas of the republican competition for the best research work of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in natural, technical, socio-humanitarian and economic sciences. Winners of competitions and contests prepared under the guidance of.

Denissova N.F. is the coordinator of the project financed by the European TEMPUS program: PICTET: EQF-based professional ICT for Russia and Kazakhstan. Based on the European Qualifications, a professional ICT education for the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan (2013-2016).

Denissova N.F. created a scientific school: 2 PhD specialty 6D070300- «Information systems (by branches) »: Tlebaldinova A.S. (the thesis is defended, the Diploma of the series ҒД No. 0001116 of March 3, 2016, Order No. 226), Adikanova S. (the thesis is defended, the Diploma of the series ҒД No. 0002804 of March 4, 2019, Order No. 210) and 4 PhD students are being trained.

Since 2009, Denissova N.F. is the coordinator of educational programs in the area of "Information Technologies" of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (USCO).

Since 2009, Denissova N.F. is the leading organizer and chairperson of the org. committee of the conference "Use of software products of the company" 1C "in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan" held in EKSTU in conjunction with JSC 1C Rating (Ust-Kamenogorsk).

Since 2010, Denissova N.F. is the organizer of the Regional Tour of the International Olympiad "IT-Planet" on the basis of D. Serikbayev EKSTU. Annually, students of specialties 5В070300- "Information systems", 5В070400- "Computing equipment and software" participate in this Olympiad.

From 2016 Denissova N.F. Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the field: "6D 070200- Automation and Control", "6D070300 - Information Systems" Organizer and coordinator of the international conference “Computational and Information Technologies in Science, Engineering and Education” (CITech–2018), Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk September 25-28, 2018

phone1 Reception: 8 (7232) 70 46 38

mail [email protected]

Member of the Board – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Zh.T. Konurbayeva

Zh.T. Konurbayeva is the Candidate of Economic Sciences, holder of the title “Best Lecturer of 2017”.

In 1998, she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University with the specialization “Economics and Transport Management”.

In 2000, she graduated from the D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University’s master’s program with the specialization “Economics and Transport Management”.

After graduating from the master’s program, she worked at the “Management, Marketing, and Audit”, “Innovative Management”, “Managing Innovations” Faculty as an assistant, lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor. In 2010, she defended her Candidate’s Thesis: “Managing competitiveness of the industries of the East Kazakhstan”, specialization 08.00.05 – “Economics and management of a national economy (by industry and sphere of activity).

In 2010, she was appointed as Head of “Innovative Management” Faculty.

In 2017, she was appointed as Dean of the School of Business and Entrepreneurship.

Areas of research interests: Diversification of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of state budget projects of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012-2014, 2018-2020), developer of 12 socio-economic projects in the East Kazakhstan in various industrial and agro-industrial sectors.

International internships: in 2014 - at Lublin University of Technology, "Project Management"; in 2016 – an international internship at universities of Hong-Kong, project: "Professional Development Program for Higher Education Leaders of Kazakhstan"; in 2018 – at Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russian Federation) and Pamukkale University (Denizli, Turkey).

In November, 2018, she was appointed as Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Methodological Work.

From April 12, 2019, by an order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she is appointed as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Methodological Work.

phone1 Reception: 8 (7232) 54-04-95

mail [email protected]

mail [email protected], [email protected]

Member of the Board - Vice-Rector of Planning and Economic Activities

Galiya M. Beysembaeva

Beisembaeva G.1997 graduated from Pavlodar State University with a degree in economist-manager. She began her career in 1997 as a specialist of the Tax Administration in the Pavlodar region. The total work experience of Galia Mustapaevna is more than 22 years, including 14 years in the field of education. Beisenbaeva G. has experience in senior positions. Since 2005, she worked as the head of the department "Sectoral Economics", "Finance", "Management" of S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University.

Since September 23, 2019 Beisembaeva G. acting Vice-Rector for Financial and Economic Activities of the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "D. Serikbayev EKSTU".

Beisembaeva G. has a Ph.D. in economics, has professional competencies in the field of education management and the financial sector.

phone1 Reception: 8 (7232)-540-514

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