Faculty Portfolio

Madiyarova Elvira Sobetollaevna
Madiyarova Elvira Sobetollaevna Sub-department: Dean's office of SoBaE
Academic degree:
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Academic title:
associate professor
Dean of Faculty
Contacts E-Mail [email protected], [email protected] Work phone Cell phone 8-776-28-0000-4, 8-702-546-70-17

1993 – 1998 yy., Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan State University, qualification – economist, specialist in management.

2003 – 2007 yy., Almaty, the Economics Committee of Science of MES RK, degree seeking appliance in specialty 08.00.04 – Regional Economy

2010 y., Almaty, the Economics Committee of Science of MES RK, protection to thesises to subjects "Rationalization of the regional budget mechanism in the context of providing the stable development of Kazakhstan’s regions"

Work Experience

The General length of service - since 1998.

The Length of service of the work in university - since 2000.

1998 – 2000 years. – An economist of production cooperative "Vodocanal", v. Samarskoe, East Kazakhstan region.

Since 2000 has been working at the department "Finance, accounting and taxation" as an assistant, since 2004 - as a teacher, in 2006 - transferred to the post of senior lecturer, in 2011 - as an assistant professor.

From 01.09.2015 - 31.10.2018 - head of the department "Finance, accounting and taxation".

From 01.11.2018 to the present - Dean of the School of Business and Entrepreneurship

International Experience

2006 - research grant "Monitoring the formation and execution of budgets of social and economic development of the eastern region of Kazakhstan" Consortium for Economic Research and Education «Education Network», Moscow, Russia

2015 - scientific training on the subject of the grant MES RK "Investigation of the convergence regions of Kazakhstan", Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Moscow, Russia

2016 - scientific training «Actual Problems of EurAsEC Contries Development», Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus, Grodno

2016 - language center "Eurocentres Malta", courses of English, Msida, Malta

2016 - participating in conferences and in-plant training the "Cluster economy and industrial politics", Saint Petersburg polytechnic university of Peter Great, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2017 - summer language school in Girne American University, English language courses, Girne, Cyprus

2018 - advanced training in the program "Discipline Teaching Methodology "Fundamentals of Corporate Finance" in the format of Blended Learning", Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow, Russia

Competitive Advantages

Winner of the title «The best teacher of high school - 2015»

Full member (academician) of the International Academy of Informatization (Kazakhstan)

Member of the Association of Legal Entities «Association «Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists»

Member of the educational and methodical association of specialty groups «Social sciences, economics and business», the Republican educational-methodical council (REMC), higher and postgraduate education

Expert in external audit accreditation programs of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)

Certificate of the International Society for Engineering Education «Kazakhstan Center of Engineering Pedagogy for the preparation of international teachers of engineering university IGIP»

Academic expert QS (QuaquarelliSymonds)

Qualification Improvement
Start date End date Duration Type Country City Type of organization Location Theme
05.04.2019 05.04.2019 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Serikbayev EKSTU Повышение качества подготовки экономистов в условиях цифровизации
01.04.2019 10.04.2019 36 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ИППР D. Serikbayev EKSTU Повышение публикационной активности преподавателей вузов
04.03.2019 16.03.2019 40 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan KAFU Education Management
01.03.2019 04.05.2019 72 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Serikbayev EKSTU Казахский язык: подготовка к КАЗТЕСТ
14.02.2019 23.02.2019 72 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk Enterprises ТОО "Инвест-Аудит" Практика применения новых МСФО: МСФО 9, МСФО 15, МСФО 16
14.01.2019 18.01.2019 36 hours Trainings Ukraine Kiev University of the Republic of Kazakhstan Al-Terra LLP IFRS: 5 reporting components
19.11.2018 15.12.2018 36 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty Enterprises ТОО «Компания «НурАнель» Управление бизнес процессами
23.10.2018 24.10.2018 18 hours Courses The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan Консалтинговая компания "Агентство внедрения ИСО" Система менеджмента противодействия коррупции
15.10.2018 20.10.2018 36 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk Enterprises ТОО "ВОСТОК АГРО ПРОМПРОЕКТ" Финансовые аспекты деятельности предприятий, занимающихся проектированием в области строительства
27.03.2018 28.03.2018 16 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ВКГТУ Strategic Planning Universities (Стратегическое планирование в университете)
26.03.2018 30.03.2018 36 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan КАСУ Организация НИР в университете. Современные методы исследования рынка труда
16.03.2018 20.03.2018 36 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ВКГТУ Новая версия стандарта ISO 9001:2015
20.11.2017 24.11.2017 40 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ВКГТУ Менеджмент в образовании
13.11.2017 17.11.2017 40 hours Courses The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ВКГТУ Трёхъязычное обучение
24.10.2017 26.10.2017 24 hours Courses The Republic of Kazakhstan Алматы University of the Republic of Kazakhstan АО "Университет НАРХОЗ", Академическая политика, интернационализация и академическая мобильность
01.09.2017 10.02.2018 80 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ВКГТУ Courses англ. языка с применением программы «МИСДОC» (Edusoft)
03.07.2017 15.07.2017 40 hours Trainings Northern Cyprus Girne Foreign University Global Career Institute Girne Course of Turkish
03.07.2017 15.07.2017 40 hours Trainings Northern Cyprus Girne Foreign University Girne American University Intermediate “В1 Level” course of English
04.04.2016 13.04.2016 12 hours Courses The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ИПиНОТ, ВКГТУ Основы антикоррупционной культуры
23.03.2016 16.04.2016 24 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ИПиНОТ,ВКГТУ Стратегический менеджмент
21.03.2016 26.03.2016 36 hours Trainings Belarus Grodno Foreign University Grodno State University named after I. Kupala Actual Problems of EurAsEC Contries Development
05.03.2016 08.04.2016 72 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Ассоциация автодорожников Восточного The Republic of Kazakhstanа» Проведение государственных закупок в автодорожной отрасли
03.03.2016 31.03.2016 72 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ИПиНОТ, ВКГТУ Казахстанская модель развития: стратегия, проблемы, реализация
05.01.2016 20.01.2016 72 hours Trainings The Republic of Kazakhstan Ust-Kamenogorsk University of the Republic of Kazakhstan ONDLEN GROUP LTD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANY, Dominica, Актуальные проблемы экономики не возобновляемых ресурсов