For this, the university has a Center of competence and Technology Transfer in the field of construction and building materials, as well as a laboratory "Mobile control of the state of highways."
Laboratory is equipped with modern and high-precision facilities and measuring instruments with the help of which the specialists of the Center and students monitor the quality of raw materials, materials during the repair and maintenance of public roads and man-made structures. Representatives of the Center can define a mixture, quality and evenness of the roadway, check the asphalt strength by the different methods. After the tests specialists give out a protocol.
The Center cooperates with the Siberian transport University and the MOSCOW AUTOMOBILE AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY.
The division also works with the Office of Passenger Transport and Highways of the East Kazakhstan region, Center for Standardization and Certification LLP, “National center for the quality of road assets” and other companies in the region.
If you have any questions regarding the Center, you can contact the head of the department - Rudenko Olga Vladimirovna, phone: +77773783973, 8 (3272) 540836 e-mail: [email protected]